Not Sure How to Manifest Your Dreams?
Does this sound like you?
Does it feel like your dreams and aspirations are trapped inside of you
Stuck and stagnant with unexplained fatigue?
Perhaps exhausted from daily duties devoid of the energy to spring into action
Hold a burning desire to change the destiny of your life but not quite sure how.

Yet you have an inner craving to feel:
Fully alive from hibernating for just one day
Nurtured as someone else takes care of you for a day
Complete as your vital energy filters into every cell of your physical body, every neuron of the mind and shines like rays of sunlight through your voice.
We can help you experience this by developing your breathing techniqiue from the practice of Pranayama - supported by,fire ceremony, energetic download and sound vibration

Are You Ready
Time to transform self doubt into action
in a safe space could be just what you need

Transform Stagnation & Limitation
Into Flow with creativity
Active Breathing into Flowing Movement
to reset your metabolism and move the stagnant energy
around 4 of the primary energy line s which flow through the body
Resfreshments & Discussion
Why Spring is the best time to start manifesting dreams
Feel Clear & Calm
Pranayama and sacred journey
Create a Despatcho
in sacred space explore the dreams and the blockages to
create a new picture and pathway forward
Reflection and Refreshments
for energetic clearing and energetic harmonising from traditional healing bowls

Why You’ll Love It!
Create Steadiness and Calmness
By creating guilt free time for yourself.
Though there is a structure to the afteroon, we are happy to amend according to the dynamic of the group - and with the groups permission.
Ignite Your Inner Wisdom
With specific journeys designs to illuminate aspects of yourself that you may have forgotten
Feel Nourished
From the healing sound waves of Tibetan, hand made healing bowls and energy healing.
Raise Your Vibration
Group size is limited to enhance the vibrational energy you’ll receive within the space. You’ll be guided in vibrational healing and frequency shifts throughout the day.
Activate Your Innate Healing Energy
Feel light, free and open as impressions within your energy field are cleared and illuminated with light
How Your Half Day Retreat Unfolds
Our Half Day Retreat
2pm to 6 pm on Sunday 23rd March
Let's Honour our Natural Intuition
Experience freedom from everyday worries and frustrations.
Create a new perspective and steadfastness to see things a different way
Become centred as you re-connect your mind body and soul sync with the natural rhythm of the season.
Felt nurtured and connected as you allow the love you give to others to reflect back to you.
Energy to start manifesting the ideas you've been working on.
Bubble with uncontainable energy which unite all those closest to you
Feel the universal energy and activate that precious spark will bring a new aha into the core of your being?

The Wheel of life
Is All about letting go
To be in a space which seems unfamiliar.
it is in the new space we pause
Before moving forward
A Reminder OF Your Day
2pm to 6 pm on Sunday 15th December
60 minutes Yoga Movement to stillness to breath
30 minute Refreshments & Reflection
60 minutes. Clear Karma, Pranayama with sacred journey
15 minutes Refreshment
60 minutes Create a sacred picture with Sound Bath
15 minutes Refreshments & Reflection
✔ 10% Discount off future Seasonal Half Day
✔ Delve Deeper with 45 minutes personalised guidance
✔ 30% Discount on Sound Healing Massage

I had a lot of tension and felt ungrounded. As soon as I entered I felt relaxed, grounded & safe. I left the half day retreat left me feeling inspired from the transition of movement to sound to education.
Feeling enriched and fulfilled
I will move forward with great connections having met like minded people.
Jess : Soultrapreneur
My day had started feeling low on energy and demotivated.
From the opening of yoga movement I felt surrounded by warmth and energy coming back into my body. How I needed to move. My soul felt nourished from the sound bath and energy was amazing as it moved through the body. And the stillness allowed me to sink in the alchemy of subtle energy
Soniya : Start Up Partner & Soul-trapreneur
I felt completely spoilt, relaxed at peace.
All topped with Great conversation, great connections and a great, enjoyable time
Dawn - Recruitment Executive
Following challenging year it was a fantastic experience to feel warmth and support at what was my first experience of a yoga retreat. I left feeling balanced, optimistic with more knowledge about the impact of breathing and how to reset my mind and body. I feel able to cope better and more of my old self.
Male professional, 60's - 6 months into a regular yoga practice
I realised time for self care is a necessity and not a luxary . I struggled to justify the time away for a busy career and family. But left feeling energised yet relaxed with new ideas to share with my groups.
40's Female professional of health care - past yoga practitioner